The Feldenkrais Method
Through a combination of gentle touch and movement exercises, the Feldenkrais Method helps us recognize these dysfunctional patterns of movement and affect changes that allow us to move more efficiently and effortlessly and achieve a sense of physical and emotional well-being. Chronic pain or recurring injuries are often caused or aggravated by bad habits in our posture, gait, the way we work or play sports, and everyday routines.
The internationally recognized Feldenkrais Method is taught in two phases: Awareness Through Movement (ATM) and Functional Integration (FI).
Everyday routine activities should not be painful. Learn techniques to decrease chronic discomfort.
History of The Feldenkrais Method
The Feldenkrais Method was developed through 40 years of research by Moshe Feldenkrais, Ph.D., D.Sc., a Russian-born physicist, mechanical engineer, educator and martial artist. A severe injury led Dr. Feldenkrais to a lifelong investigation into ways of improving the body’s ability to function. His innovative method addresses a broad spectrum of muscular, orthopedic, and neurological problems. Through simple, gentle movements, one can reeducate the neuromuscular system and learn new, more efficient ways of functioning at work and at play.
ATM participants typically report feeling more relaxed, energized, taller, lighter and more balanced in posture. Daily activities become more enjoyable.
Awareness Through Movement
(ATM) sessions are taught one on one or in a group setting. Participants are verbally led through various sophisticated, yet simple, sequences of movements, which are done very slowly and within a comfortable range of motion for each individual. There are over a thousand different movement lessons.
Through ATM, individuals learn to recognize detrimental habitual patterns of movement that may be contributing to orthopedic or neurological problems, or inhibiting the ability to perform daily activities. The repetition of these non-strenuous sequences of movements teaches the brain to replace dysfunctional movement and thought patterns with new, more efficient movement options.
As one learns to relax and abandon habitual patterns, increased awareness, flexibility and coordination evolve naturally. Participants typically report feeling more relaxed, energized, taller, lighter, and more balanced in posture. Pain and tension often decrease and breathing becomes easier.
Functional Integration
(FI) involves one-on-one treatment by a Feldenkrais practitioner who moves the patient’s head, spine and limbs with his hands through slow, gentle movements specifically tailored to the particular needs of the individual. The Feldenkrais practitioner can detect restriction, tension and rigidity and through this series of very calculated, minute movements, facilitate freedom of movement in the joints and muscles and reduction of pain. FI lessons are rendered on an individual basis. Please call (212) 765-4800 for an appointment.