Rik Misiura, PT, GCFP
PT, GCFP, Owner & Founder, Central Park Physical Therapy, Physical Therapist, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner
Rik is a Multidisciplinary Executive Coach via Physical Fitness and Behavioral Modification Therapist. This includes lifestyle and work relationship challenges. He has helped individual all levels from youth to professional and corporate executives surpass expectations. Rik facilitates healing of his clients utilizing the KISS principle – Keep It Simple and Smart. He helps people overcome long standing health issues through reeducation of Movement and Thought Process. His work is developed by learning many disciplines from the best in the world and applied eclectically and personally to each client. No protocols. The basis of his work is found in the Feldenkrais Method, Physical Therapy (NYU), Osteopathic Mobilization (Michigan State U. Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, Institute of Physical Art, Iyengar Yoga, and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation. By attending the School of Hard Knocks (1957-2022).
Rik understands and relates to his patients by living, learning from, and recovering from similar problems & experiences. For example:
- Dislocated shoulder (football) regained full range and strength without surgery
- Rotator Cuff tears – full function restored without surgery
- Spinal Cord Compression injury – (Skiing) overcame paralysis, paresis, and RSD – Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
- Herniated discs in the lumbar and cervical spines, overcame weakness and pain without surgery
- Various injuries sustained from 4 motor vehicle accidents while rollerblading and cycling
- Total Hip Replacement – competing in a triathlon 8 months after the procedure
- Pelvic floor issues over came with Feldenkrais and yoga
- Rigidus Hallux overcame without the recommended surgery
- Medial Meniscus and Medial Collateral Ligament (football) – recovered without the recommended surgery
Several patients referred to his work as “EuphoRik”. The name stuck. Rik previously engaged in HS & Collegiate Football, racquetball, triathlete, Board of Education Member, Youth Sports Coaching. In his free time Rik enjoys spending time with his grandchildren, pickleball, open water swimming, cycling, skiing, yoga, Pilates, and strength training.